The Art of Leadership

Renew, transform, impact exceptional leadership journeys for exceptional results


Nothing changes unless people do

Our ever-changing world brings to light organizations’ biggest challenges: embracing new technology, speeding up innovation, and showing leadership. Only people make change happen. People who embrace opportunities and strive for renewal.

Nothing changes
unless people do


Get inspired by the arts

Renaissance Leaders’ programs are experiential learning journeys that immerse you in the secrets of leadership. You will experience breakthroughs and tread way beyond the beaten track.


Our new era calls for a new approach

An approach that touches leaders’ souls and helps them to embody that what makes leaders great.


What is in
it for you

Performance bounces back or grows exponentially after the pandemic

Your leaders change mindsets and adapt their leadership style to the New Normal. They see new possibilities, seize internal and external opportunities and create new ones. Not only do they gain new insights, make plans and state their intentions during the program, they also take decisions and put them into action decisively, mobilizing their teams where necessary. Visible results are guaranteed within a few weeks.

Powerful and vital people

Your people work and live, driven by sense of purpose and strengths. They are deeply motivated by what they do and are energetic and innovative. Collaborating with others, they excel in their jobs. Not only the leaders themselves, but also their teams and colleagues.

No war for talents

The best talents want to work for you. Your organization has the mindset, flow and leadership needed in the 21st You attract talent, both young and experienced.

Principles of our methodology

Renaissance Leaders’ programs revolve around reflection, live experience, interaction and experimentation. Your development is always related to the next meaningful phase of your life and to your organization’s themes and goals.





Renaissance Leaders is a community of master practitioners connected by their purpose and values.

Agnès Kusters


Andre Heuvelman

